Monday, August 16, 2010

Topsy-Turvy Matters!

It’s funny what you feel when you want to feel nothing anything at all..

You want the time to run, but all it does is stall.

A peculiar action, a funny trait;

Why is it so endearing that it goes to the heart straight?

A taunt, a joke, a pulling of the leg,

Just makes you laugh and doesn’t pull you down a peg.

Why when the eyes meet you feel out of breath,

Trying to understand this connection just makes you fret.

Why do you search for magic when there’s none at all?

Why do you try to run, when you know you’re going to fall?

It’s funny, how in blind alleys we always rush,

If it’s supposed to feel good, why is it called a crush??

He’s your buddy, your friend, your closest pal,

If that’s true, why this confusion at all?

Why when you know it never was, and will never be,

Should you still remain silent, or of the burden be free?

For him all happiness, joy and success you know you will call,

But it’s still funny what you feel; when you want to feel nothing at all . . . . .


  1. the very first opening line itself got me...

    and loved the fact that you looped the poem with the same line...

    also "If it’s supposed to feel good, why is it called a crush??" was a killer...

    lovely piece!
